St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P6B Learning highlights -Week beginning 7.2.22


Good afternoon,

A very busy week in Primary 6B, here are some highlights from our learning:

HWB: For mental health week we designed posters with lots of great advice on how to overcome different feelings and emotions.

It was also internet safety day at the beginning of the week. The main focus for this year is “All fun and games” which allows children to learn how to stay safe while playing games.

R.E: We completed our lessons on God’s loving plan and learned about St Valentine. We also made cards for our families to show our love and appreciation.

Numeracy and maths: This week we have been adding, subtracting and multiplying decimals. Well done to our wizards of the week and Sumdog winners Zak, Rupert and Mohid.

Literacy: We are becoming more confident writing information reports and began to write our reports based on Scottish landmarks and Famous Scottish people. This week we learned about the structure of the report and were able to write clear titles and general statements.

Over and above: Well done to our hot chocolate winner Anthony!

Have a great weekend,

Mrs Roy


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