St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P5A Learning Highlights Week Beginning 7.2.22

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Pupil Highlights:

Josh N: I liked rounding a number with 2 decimals places to the nearest tenth and making our road safety posters.

Joshua: I liked doing weaving with Miss Elliot.

Adam: I liked doing the weaving with Miss Elliot.

Aoife: I liked doing the hanging sentences for our word boost words this week.

Inaya: I liked using the number line to round a decimal number to the nearest tenth.

Myles: I liked plotting the images on the compass task.

Marriyah: I liked highlighting the title, general statement, description and evaluation in 3 different information reports.

Natalia: I liked rounding amounts to the nearest pound and to the nearest ten pence.

Caleb: I liked rounding decimal numbers.

Teacher Highlights:


This week the pupils had to take a photo using their laptop of an example of an information report and upload it onto their sway. We discussed that an information report is most similar to a discussion text. Why? Because they are both giving information and describing the characteristics of something. However, in an information report, if you are writing about a person, it is not always necessary to describe the how they look. The description section always depends on what you are writing about !


We can all round a number with two decimal places to the nearest whole number. We realised that we are only interested in the tenth digit. If it is 4 or less we round down but if it is 5 or more, we round up.

We can also round a number with two decimal places to the nearest tenth. We are only interested in the hundredth digit. We can use a number line to help us with this to show which two possible numbers are answer could be.

We have also created fantastic posters ”How to Stay Safe Online’ and learnt how to draw 3d cube to be part of the computer for our poster.

Hot Chocolate Winner: Daisy for always trying her hardest, being a very kind friend and always producing outstanding hanging sentences.

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