St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P1B Learning Highlights 11th February 2022


This week in Literacy we have been learning the sounds ‘ee’ and ‘oo’.  In writing we have been learning about information reports.  We looked at a picture about bikes and discussed everything we could see.  We made talking sentences about the picture and we completed a worksheet filling in the missing words.  We also wrote an information report about toy cars.

In Numeracy and Maths we learned about number names and ordinal numbers.  We played roll and write games to learn number words and played a game of Splat.  We played a listening game to colour in owls by ordinal numbers and used monkeys jumping on the bed to find out who feel of 1st 2nd etc.  We ordered ourselves and could identify who was 1st, 2nd etc.  We also matched the number words to the number.

This week was Internet Safety Day we discussed the importance of keeping safe when using the internet and we read a story about Buddy the dog who helped us learn if we are unsure of something we should ask our grown up for help.  We designed our own Internet Safety posters.

For topic we made a map from memory of our route home from school and then we made our own community map.

We completed our lessons on God’s Loving Plan and learned about the family of Jesus and know Mary is the mother of Jesus.  We also talked about our own mothers and drew a picture of them.

We worked very hard to design road safety posters for the Park Smart Competition.  We had good discussions about road safety and how to keep safe.

Congratulations to Blair who was this weeks Hot Chocolate Winner.

Well done to the Red Table who won Table of the Week’.

We hope you all have a great mid-term break and look forward to seeing you all again on Wednesday.


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