St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P6B Learning Highlights – Week beginning 31.1.22


A great week of learning in Primary 6B!

Here are some of our highlights:

At the beginning of the week we celebrated Chinese new year and made dragons and calendars for the year of the tiger. We also learned which animal was the year of our birth. 2011- Rabbit and 2012- Dragon.

Zak was a confident individual as he spoke to all classes at an assembly about safe parking around our school. He informed everyone about the competition we are taking part in in order to promote safe parking. Here are some of our entries!

Literacy: We have been learning about the structure for writing information reports and look forward to developing our writing skills in this style over the next few weeks. Our reading champions this week were Amelia, Tanya and Monique, well done!

Numeracy and Maths: We have been working on fractions, decimals and percentages and improving our knowledge of times tables and division. Our wizards of the week were Kieran, Connor and Lucia. Keep up the great work!

Over and above: Well done to our hot chocolate winner Liam who has been ready, respectful and safe!

Have a great weekend,

Mrs Roy

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