St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P4A Highlights 4th February


A great week of learning, practicing and using our new technology skills. We have begun learning about the Romans and as part of our Gods Loving Plan we have been learning all about why people get married and the people in our lives that we love! We have learned lots this week in numeracy, literacy, RE, Art, Topic, Music, Listening Skills and PE!

Lili “I enjoyed making posters for the ParkSmart competition the JRSO’s are running”

Francesca “I liked learning about Boudicca.  I think she is fierce and strong and hopeful that she will defeat the Romans”

Leo “I enjoyed our work on Information Reports.  I know there is a description that usually that should not be jumbled up but needs to be in the right order.”

Farrah “I liked learning how to play Kahoot on the Ipad.  We worked as a team to answer questions about our learning”

Fahad “I liked using the computers to find out about Roman Houses.  I found the toilets very funny!”

Vijval “I liked learning about apostrophes and how they get used in words.”

Akshaj “I like our new class novel about a Roman Mystery.  There are lots of strange words about things in Roman times.”

We are working really hard to learn our times tables and are practicing at home.

Our hot chocolate winner this week has been very responsible  and has been ready to learn all week.  We are very proud of your hard work Jacob!

Our sacramental boys and girls are looking forward to starting our First Communion preparation with our enrolment service on Tuesday with Fr Simon.

We are looking forward to lots more learning next week!

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