St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P6B Learning highlights – Week beginning 24.1.22


Good afternoon,

Here are some of the learning highlights from a great week in Primary 6:

Literacy: We have been continuing to learn Scots words and use them in our writing. This week we made our own stories and included Scots language. We even created some art work that is displayed in our classroom. Here are some examples:

Numeracy and Maths: This week we have been adding and subtracting decimals and also multiplying decimals. We have been working on our times tables and trying our best to beat our speed and accuracy in our big maths. Our wizards of the week for our prodigy challenge were Zak, Lucia and Anthony, well done!

IDL: We have been researching famous Scottish people and learning lots of interesting facts about their lives. We also enjoyed a treat of shortbread and Irn-Bru on Burns day.

Music: We have been learning about Scottish musicians with Mrs Morrison.

P.E: We enjoyed playing a game of knots and crosses to work on our fitness.

Over and above: Well done to our hot chocolate winner, Advay!

Have a great weekend,

Mrs Roy


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