St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P5A Learning Highlights Week Beginning 24.1.22


Pupil Highlights:

Aoife: I liked making our sway presentations on 2d and 3d shapes.

Olivier: I liked using the watercolours to paint a thistles.

Filip: I liked making 3d shapes from their nets and drinking the irn bru and eating the shortbread on Burn’s Day.

Sylvia: I liked painting the thistles on Burn’s Day.

Josh: Although I hurt my finger, I still enjoyed P.E and listening to our class novel Adam2.

Daisy: I liked using a protractor to measure and draw right angles, obtuse, acute and straight lines.

Adam: I liked practising my handwriting.

Joshua: I liked doing the prodigy assignment.

Teacher Highlights:

I have been really impressed by our efforts to measure and draw angles using protractors accurately. This was challenging but we thought of ways to make this skill easier for us to master. One of the ways was using a coloured pencil to extend the lines so we could see them easier through the protractor, and, so that we knew what numbers on the protractor to look at . We asked ourselves  this questions- from simply looking at it , is the angle acute or obtuse? If it is obtuse, the number is going to be more than 90 degrees and less than 180. If the angle is acute, it is going to be less than 90 degrees.

I am also delighted that we have all managed to create our first sway on 2D and 3D Shape.

Click on the link to look at Myles’s Sway.


Go to this Sway

Our hot chocolate winner this week is Grant. We are all so proud of how neat his handwriting has been. We are going to all work hard on the presentation of our writing in class.

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