St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P2A Week Beginning 24th January 2022


Hello P2A families!

Here are the learning highlights of the week from the Yellow Table:

Eva has loved learning about the history of Livingston.  We have been learning how a Scottish King gave this land to his Flemish friend called ‘de Leving’ about 900 years ago.  Back then, Livingston was just fields, rivers and forests, perfect for hunting!  Baron de Leving built a tower known as ‘de Leving’s Peel’ and a ‘toun’ grew up around this peel to house his servants.  The toun grew and grew.  Over time, de Leving’s toun has turned into Livingston.  So interesting!!! The children built their own Peel from a choice of boxes, lego, straws, blocks or paper.  Look out for these amazing Peels over the weekend on your child’s Seesaw.

Ruari said he really enjoyed our Burns Night celebrations, especially listening to ‘Highland Cathedral’ played on the bagpipes.  Here is the link in case your child would like to listen to it again:

Pola loved listening to ‘The Gruffalo’ in Scots.  This week because of Burns Night, we were learning to speak, read and write some Scots vocabulary.  Mrs Devlin had to seek the help of Mrs Lawrence for some of the pronunciation!  We went up to the woodland for inspiration for our Scots writing, just as Burns used nature to inspire him.

Aiden G liked PE with Mrs Lafferty were they continued developing their ball skills through games.

Kyle said decorating and eating shortbread was his highlight.

Rebekah loved weaving and how we used a monster she made during ‘Choosing Time’ for our measuring in maths with metre sticks.  Her monster was longer than a metre.

My highlight was our time in the woodlands.  Hopefully now as the weather continues to improve, we can resume our outdoor learning.

Well done to Eva, our hot chocolate award winner this week!

I hope you all have a great weekend!

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