St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

A great week in P7B!


We had a great week!

We celebrated Burns night. We learned all about Robert Burns by conducting some independent research and creating PowerPoints. We also had moments of reflection whilst we discussed the holocaust on Holocaust Memorial day.

This week in numeracy we continued our work on fractions by comparing and ordering fractions with the same and different denominators; we were able to link back to our work on equivalent fractions! We found these to be tricky but also a lot of fun learning from our mistakes and using our higher order thinking skills to move learning forward.

In Literacy we continued our work on Scots language and came up with some very fantastic Scots poems on all things Scottish. Ask us about this, they are great. We have been learning brilliant Scots words which the class have been using all week with great humour and relevance.

The Children have expressed their learning highlights this week:

  • Mark and Szymon enjoyed technology and engineering this week, using paper nets to  create a football, aeroplanes and parrots! this was a great way to challenge ourselves and express our creativity.
  • Lucy enjoyed researching and writing her Scots poem.
  • Charlotte enjoyed researching and creating a presentation on Robert Burns.
  • Sara liked looking ahead at our new topic and being creative with some topical art.
  • Sneha enjoyed RE this week, using the Bible to find the letters from Paul and pick out and quote positive messages. She then enjoyed creating a t-shirt inspired by these positives messages.
  • Alex enjoyed our work on fractions this week.


Thank you for another great week P7B! Have a good weekend and rest.

See you all on Monday,

Mr Pentland ๐Ÿ˜€


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