St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P2A Week Beginning 17th January 2022


Hello P2A families!

Here are the learning highlights of the week from the Red Table:

Julia like making ‘Magic e wands’.   This week the children have been learning how magic e transforms short vowel sounds into their long names.  We were focusing on words with the vowel ‘a’.

Joe enjoyed our lessons about ‘weight’ and knows that 500grams=1/2kilogram and 1000grams=1 kilogram.  He weighed different food items and watched as the dial on the scale showed how heavy that item was.

Aiden S said he loved the lesson about electrical safety at home.  Look out for pictures over the weekend on Seesaw of your child showing us their understanding of this important learning.  Here is the link in case your child would like to play the game again:

David K liked our Word Boost story ‘Stick Man’ this week and his favourite word to learn about was, ‘chuckle’.  We played ‘Word Boost Corners’ as part of our learning.  It was so much fun! Congratulations to Julia who won.

Zosia liked our lesson about ‘The Holy Spirit’ and knows that The Holy Spirit is part of God and Jesus and in the Bible, takes the form of a dove and a flame.  We can pray to The Holy Spirit too.

Chiji loved music with Mrs Morrison.  The children continued their learning about Scottish traditional music.

David S enjoyed handwriting.  The children are learning to write joined up!  So far they have learned how to join, ‘un’ and ‘ig’.  They had the choice of forming these letters in salt, water colours, on paint bags and wrote them on smartpals before their jotter work.

Olivier S liked learning about the correct layout in our maths squared jotters.

My highlight has also been the lessons on using the squared jotters correctly in maths.  The children did very well to try and copy sums from the board into their jotter, remembering the success criteria.  I was very proud of their efforts.

Well done to David K who received the Hot Chocolate Friday Award.

Check out the learning that will take place this term by clicking on the following link:

P2 Forward Plan Overview Term 3

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