This week primary 6B have been working very hard. Here are some learning highlights:
We have been learning Scots language and the meanings of Scots words that we were then able to use in our writing. Some of the words we had heard before but lots of them were new to us! Our reading champions this week were: Amelia, Monique and Hannah.
We have been learning about Charles Rennie Mackintosh and learning about his life and what his inspirations were. We created some stained glass windows in the style of his work to brighten up our classroom.
In numeracy we have been learning about fractions, decimals and percentages and also enjoyed a game of times table bingo on Friday! Our Prodigy wizards of the week were: Lucia, Zak and Anthony and our Sumdog challenge winners were: Sam, Debbie and Susanna.
In P.E we have been working on our fitness and trying our best to improve this!
In R.E we created cards of thanks with prayers inside to say thank you to those who look after us. We are doing very well to collect evidence for our Pope Francis Faith award folders for the gift of Piety.
Over and above: Our hot chocolate at home winner was Amelia, well done!
We would also like to share with you our overview for term 3:
Have a great weekend,
Mrs Roy