Happy Weekend!
The P7B class have had a fantastic week of learning!
Vivaan and Xander enjoyed learning all about converting improper fractions into mixed fractions and vice versa and how to multiply fractions with other fractions and whole numbers. Or as i was told “I just liked everything to do with fractions”.
Szymon enjoyed learning about the journey of Saul this week and conducting his own research to further his learning.
Lucy enjoyed learning more about Scots language and particularly enjoyed reading, learning about and translating the Scots poem ‘The Puddock’ from Scots to English.
Emily enjoyed our IDL on Friday, using digital technology, conducting research and creating a fact file on a Scottish writer. She made a fantastic fact file on Robert Burns. This fact file along with a few other (Robert Burns) fact files will be great to look at as we learn more about Burns and his life next week.
The class enjoyed learning about identity this week, discussing our nationalities and what makes us…. Us. They are making flags to illustrate their identities and nationalities. We are excited to finish these next week for our identity display.
Charlotte had fun creating her own poem in Scots. It is very creative and humorous. I can’t wait to hear everyone’s finished drafts of their own Scots writing next week.
I had a great week, thank you P7B! I enjoyed our work on kindness and hearing all the lovely things you have got to say to one another. You should all be very proud of how hard you’ve worked this week! I’m very proud of you all.
A huge well done to Xander – our shining star/ hot chocolate at home recipient. You had a great week, Xander. I hope you liked hearing all the lovely things the class had to say about you during our peer nominations! Keep up the great work.
Mr Mcgurn and I have an exciting term 3 planned. I have attached a term 3 overview for you to have a look at. Simply click it to download
Have a lovely well deserved couple of days rest, P7B and families! I’ll see you on Monday.
– Mr Pentland