Dear Parents,
We have been busy in our learning since we returned from the holidays. We have all been working really hard in the first few days back and we are going to keep up this hard work this term!
This week we have been:
- revising 2 times table
- learning the ‘adding up’ strategy for subtraction
- problem solving with partners
- learning a Scots poem called ‘The Sair Finger’, we have all been given a copy to learn at home
- Learning the Scots language
- read and discussed the book ‘The Dot’ and the importance of trying
Highlights of the week
Matteo – I like doing the Amazing Alphabet because we were learning about poems.
DaisyDee – I enjoyed doing the tree art calendar.
Stefi – I liked The Dot art, painting my own dot.
Aiden – I loved learning about sleep and how important it is.
Alexa – I liked reading the book ‘The Dot’, I liked the dots and all the different colours.
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