St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P2A Week Beginning 13th December

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Hello P2A families!

Here are the learning highlights of the week from the Blue Table:

John said he enjoyed singing the songs from the Nativity.  Even though our filming took place last Friday, the children still enjoy singing the songs.  We hope to share the link with you next week of this fantastic production.

Olly liked designing a Christmas jumper with Mrs Morrison.

Ella loved our learning about bar charts.  We gathered information about what food we enjoy the most for our Christmas dinner.  The options were of course, turkey, roast potatoes, carrots, brussel sprouts or gravy.  Can you guess what was the most and least popular?  Ask your child if they can remember (turkey and brussel sprouts).  Afterwards, Ella enjoyed the worksheet where she had to count how many of each Christmas themed item she could see and represent that information in a bar chart.

Paige loved watching the Christmas movie, ‘Nativity’ after we had our Christmas lunch which Paige described as “delicious!”  I agree with you Paige.  A big thank you to the marvellous kitchen staff for all their hard work!

My highlight was when we wrote our letters to Santa.  The children were very polite and made sure they did not start them with, “Dear Santa, I want……” but we had enquiries into Mrs Claus’ health, promises of having been good all year and letting Santa know we will be leaving milk and cookies for him and the reindeers!  Look out for pictures of your child in their Nativity costume over the weekend as well as a picture of them posting their Santa letter (if they were present the day we wrote it) into the magical post box that zoomed their letters straight to the North Pole as soon as the children left at home time!

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