St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P1B Weekly Highlights 3rd December


We have had another busy week in P1B.  This week we looked at the sounds h and u.  We practised how to say the sounds and identified words that have these sounds in them.  We also worked really hard on the letter sound formations.

In Numeracy and Maths we have continued working on our counting and adding and taking away.  We also introduced money.  The boys and girls are learning to identify the different coins up to £2 and also order them from smallest to largest amount.

We had a great St Andrew’s Day celebration we made our own Scottish flags and designed our own tartan.  We learned about St Andrew and how he gave up his job as a fisherman to follow Jesus.  We were very excited to get to taste Shortbread and Irn-bru.

We have been very excited to open our class Advent Calendar and learn about what Advent actually means. We made our own class Advent Wreath using our handprints.  We all have an Advent Bookle that we are working on in class to help us prepare for Christmas.  The countdown to Christmas has well and truly begun.

Our Nativity practises are going very well and we look forward to preforming next week.

Today we were very lucky to get to go into the hall with Father Simon for the Blessing of our school crib.  We even sang a song for all the boys and girls to hear.

Some of our learning highlights:

Lilly “I liked practising for the Nativity”

Amariah Grace “I liked learning my new sounds”

Blair “I liked Choosing Time”

Lewis “I liked making pictures for the windows”


Congratulations to Maja who was our Hot Chocolate winner.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend and we look forward to another very busy week ahead.

P1B Mrs Russell and Mrs Meikle


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