St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

Primary 4B 19/11/21


Dear Parents,

We have had a really bust week!

Literacy – We have been concentrating on descriptive writing and learning about the layout and structure. Our class produced amazing writing based on an imaginary alien!

Numeracy- Primary 4 have been develoing our ability to understand addition and subtraction word problems. We have discovered they can be both fun and challenging!

Health and Wellbeing- Our class has been learning aout different food groups and what it means to have a balanced diet. We designed our own lunch menus, using a variety of foods from each group.

Expressive Arts/IDL- In Topic, we continued to learn about various ways that we can protect our environment. We also created fantastic city scenes using mixed media. We are very proud of our work!

Hot Chocolate Award- Congratulations to Fatima who achieved our Hot Chocolate Award this week.

I hope you have a super weekend.

Mrs Lea


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