St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P2A Week Beginning 15th November


Hello P2A families!

Here are the learning highlights of the week from the Blue Table:

Rebekah loved when we made a comic this week and used pictures to tell a story (look out for these story pictures on Seesaw over the weekend).  This was a follow up lesson to ‘THE BIGGEST STORY’, a book from our ‘Read, Write, Count’ bags.

John enjoyed it when we became bug collectors like George in ‘The Bug Collector’ story, again from our ‘Read, Write, Count’ bags.  We took containers up to the woodlands and searched for bugs.  It was quite tricky as we had to look under a carpet of wet, Autumn leaves.  We then used the magnifying glasses to see if we could see colours and shapes within the bugs’ bodies, just like George did in the story.  We were careful to return them to their natural habitats afterwards.

Ollie said he enjoyed our school assembly this morning which was all about celebrations in our lives and in the Church.  Here is the link to one of the songs we listened to: if your child wishes to listen to it again.

Lucas loved it when we learned how to cross a road.  This week, as well as it being ‘Book Week’, it has also been ‘Road Safety Week’.  The class went up to the zebra crossing next to our school and demonstrated their learning about how to cross a road: stop behind the curb, look and listen for cars, keep looking and listening as you walk across the road.  We know to hold an adult’s hand as we cross the road.  Well done Lucas!  You crossed the road safely.

Ella liked it when we voted for the two stories we have been exploring this week (mentioned above).  ‘The Bug Collector’ won the vote as it received 20 votes and ‘THE GREATEST STORY’ received only 5.

My highlight was seeing the children pore over their P1 jotters when they were given out to go home.  They were so excited and enjoyed their trip down memory lane.  It was so fantastic to see how they recognised the progress they have made this year within themselves!

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