St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P1B Learning Highlights 19th November 2021


P1B have had a busy week of learning.   In Literacy we looked at the sounds o and e.  They are both vowels and live in Inky’s Vowel House and they are the colour black.  We are able to identify words that have the sounds at the beginning or in the middle.  We use our actions to help us blend the sounds together to make words.

This week we received our book bug bags and were very excited when are buddies came and read one of the stories in our book bag to us.

In Numeracy and Maths we have been looking at dice patterns and also the addition and equals signs.  We used these signs to complete addition sums.

We sorted dinosaurs from largest to smallest and ordered them from smallest to largest.  We also measured dinosaurs using cubes.

In our Outdoor Learning session in the Woodlands we looked at ‘My First Book of Woodland Animals’ and discussed what hibernation is.  We then chose an animal from the book and built them a den to hibernate in.  We also used leaves to make a woodland animal picture.

We have been practising very hard for our Nativity.  We are enjoying learning all the songs.  We now know what part we have and had a practice on our staged area.

We hope everyone has a lovely weekend and we look forward to another successful week of learning to come.



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