St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P2A Week Beginning 8th November


Hello P2A families!

Here are the learning highlights of the week from the Yellow Table:

Pola loved making poppies for Remembrance Day.

Eva enjoyed learning Spanish with Mrs Brand.  The children learned the phrases for ‘sit down, stand up, silence and listen’.

Aiden G loved our Nativity rehearsals that started this week.  The children have been learning the songs and have done very well to remember all the words and actions!  They are very excited to find out their roles next week!

Rurai said his favourite part was music with Mrs Morrison as it involved watching a movie!

Pagie was overjoyed to find out that she was chosen to be a Lead Learner!  She jumped for joy!

My highlight has to have been our Nativity Rehearsals.  The children were so excited to hear that the story of the baby Jesus being born is the greatest story ever told in all the world and that they were helping to tell it with their singing and acting.  Look out for a costume letter going home early next week with your child’s role named on it.  These are very exciting times in Infants!  We are honoured to be part of the retelling of this very special story of the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.

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