St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P2A Week Beginning 1st November 2021


Hello P2A families!

Here are the learning highlights of the week from the Red Table:

David S enjoyed our learning about keeping safe on Bonfire Night.  We watched a safety demonstration in the playground about how to hold a sparkler safely.  We know to wear gloves, hold our arm out straight to keep the sparks away from our faces and put the sparkler into a bucket of water when it goes out.

Julia loved PE this week with Mrs Ogunro where their games involved cones.

Joe said he liked music with Mrs Morrison the best.  The children took part in a body percussion warm up called ‘Hips, Hands, Click’.  They also listened to different music that made them feel different emotions.

David K liked making Bonfire Safety posters today.  The children learned all about The Firework Code from Fireman Sam.  The main messages were about how to hold sparklers correctly, stand far away from fireworks, never return to a firework if it does not go off at first and keep pets indoors. The children worked in pairs to check these super posters.  Look out for them this weekend on Seesaw!

Chijiawku loved making firework pictures using soft pastels and glitter.

Zosia liked learning about the different climate zones in the world.  We were happy to learn that we live in a temperate climate, which is a bit like Baby Bear’s porridge – not too hot, not too cold but just right!

My highlight was watching the theatre production of The Lorax on Tuesday as part of our learning about Climate Change in light of COP26.  There was a very important message about needing to save our trees from being cut down and the need to RECYCLE, RECYCLE, RECYCLE!

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