St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

This week in P1B


We have had a great week in P1B learning all about the letter and sound ‘p’. We thought of lots of things that begin and end in the sound ‘p’. We enjoyed making a penguin craft, colouring in pink pigs and making colourful parrots with feathers.

In math, we learned how to write the numbers 9 and 10. We also learned how 2D shapes make 3D shapes and investigated which shapes can roll, stack and slide. We enjoyed building towers with 3D shapes and made pictures with 2D shapes.

We also learned about ordering numbers to 10 and 20. We worked in pairs to order Numicon, ten frames and dot patterns. We then played a game where one person closed their eyes, while the other made a number disappear and they had to work out what number was missing. Mrs Meikle was very impressed with the different strategies we used to work out the answer.

We have also been learning some more about our senses, this week the sense of touch and taste. We read the story ‘The Incredible Book Eating Boy’ and wrote about things ‘I like to eat’. We had a tasting session to identify different types of tastes. Our favourite was sweet, sour made us all very giggly! We finished off the week by making popcorn, we used all our senses to investigate; what it looks and feels like before and after, what it sounds like when cooking and most importantly what it smells and tastes like.

For H&WB we made a recipe for a good friend and after reading ‘Enemy Pie’ we made a craft friendship pie.

P1B wish everyone a happy and safe October holiday!

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