St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

Primary 6A


This week we have been reading our class novel ‘The Last Wolf’ and used Word Boost activities to develop our understanding of the challenging vocabulary. As part of Scottish Maths Week we enjoyed taking part in the West Lothian Sumdog Competition and learning how to round to six and seven digits using playing cards.

During out Outdoor Learning we had fun using natural resources (twigs, leaves, stones) to show our knowledge of maths. We created times tables grids and place value grids.

Our Topic this term is investigating the importance of ancient civilisations in our daily lives. We started to collate information to write a report on the Ancient Greeks. We have explored the rights of women and children, slavery and democracy.

We have continued to explore how our emotions can help us to be better learners when we understand how we are feeling and strategies that help us be calm/happy. We also discussed our own personalities, talents and abilities and how they help us to be confident learners and effective contributors to our class learning.

We have continued to learn about Children’s Rights and next week we are looking forward to our Assessment to become a Silver Award Rights Respecting School.

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