St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P2A Week Beginning 20th September 2021


Hello everyone!

Despite it being a shorter week, P2A have squeezed in lots of learning!  Here are the highlights of the week according to the Green Table:

Nathan liked art with Mrs Brand.  The children have been learning that at this time of the year, end of Summer, we celebrate ‘Harvest Festival’.  We celebrate and pray for farmers everywhere who provide us with our food.  The children completed a still life drawing of fruit and paid particular attention to the shape, size, textures and colours of the fruit.  Look out for the upcoming Seesaw post showing these super still life drawings!

Emily loved playing the ‘Line’ game during PE with Mrs Lafferty.

Kayla enjoyed listening to 70s music.  Some of the grandparents, during their interviews, have mentioned the music they listened to when they were young. So far we have listened to music from The Beatles and The Bay City Rollers.  Kayla liked The Bay City Rollers best!  We look forward to listening to the interviews that are still to take place.

Ben liked the song ‘I’m the Farmer, Yes I am’ as part of our learning about the Harvest Festival.

Isabel loved learning how to play the drums with Mrs Morrison.  So far the children have learned how to hold a drum stick properly and use it to repeat a rhythm.

Pola enjoyed using the clipboards during an information-gathering lesson.  The children have been learning how to conduct a survey and record results using tally marks.  The clipboards where an easy way for the paper to stay in place during the survey.

My highlight has to have been the lessons about climate change.  The children have been learning about the very important COP26 meeting that will take place in Glasgow during November.  We talked about what we can do as individuals to help our planet.  These lessons will be ongoing.

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