St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

Learning highlights from P6B


Here are some of the learning highlights from P6B this week.

Numeracy and Maths: This week we have enjoyed using our skills of addition and subtraction in problem solving tasks. We also learned about calendars and timetables and how they are useful in our lives for keeping us organised.

Literacy: We are progressing well with our class novel ‘Wonder’ and created description bubbles on different characters.

COP 26: We have been learning about what COP26 is and we took part in the survey. We had a chance to say how much we believed climate change would have an affect on our rights and it also helped us think of ways we can tackle climate change.

Art: We created lovely Autumn pictures using chalk, here are some below:

Have a great weekend,

Mrs Roy

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