St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

Primary 6B Learning Highlights


Some learning highlights from P6B this week!

Rights of the child: This week we learned about article 12 and 13, which focused on pupil voice and the children enjoyed discussing different ways their voices and opinions can be heard in our school.

IDL- Greece: The children have enjoyed researching Greece and learning the Greek alphabet. Here are some examples below.


Reading: We have been reading our class novel ‘Wonder’ together and the children have created fantastic art work based on the theme of kindness.


Literacy: The children worked together on word boost words to improve their vocabulary, they found the correct definitions for each word and learned how to spell them too. In grammar this week they were learning about comparative and superlative adjectives.

Numeracy: The children have been working on place value, addition and subtraction. They also enjoyed playing Maths games online and as a class.

Over and above: Congratulations to our hot chocolate winner Monya for always being ready, respectful and safe!

Have a fantastic weekend,

Mrs Roy

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