St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P2A Week Beginning 13th September 2021


Hello special SJO families!

Here are the learning highlights of the week from the Blue Table:

Ollie loved making tie dye socks as part of our learning about when our grandparents were young.  This week we explored fashion from the 1960s and 1970s.

Izaan liked using the ‘Chatterpix’ app today to take a selfie and record himself reading his Free Writing Friday story.  Our challenge today was to include the Word Boost word ‘rescue’ in our story.  We had a whole host of plots ranging from a cow that needed rescued, as an evil fairy threw it in a river, to Izann’s story that involved a cat wearing classes that got stuck up a tree!  Well done P2A authors!

Lucas enjoyed learning about the fashion when his grandparents were young.  There was lots of giggling in P2A as the children saw images of young people wearing flares, long collared shirts, bright, bold patterns and headbands.

Ella loved it when she won a prize for the person who had stuck their work in the straightest!

Rebekah enjoyed Spanish this week where we linked it with our learning about the shapes, ‘pentagon, hexagon and octagon’.  The children completed a listening activity where they had to colour a certain number of shapes – all instructions in Spanish!

My highlight was today when we watched the famous duo ‘Torvill and Dean’ ice-skating.  This followed a story we heard about a shy rabbit who wasn’t too sure if she could ice skate.  We watched a 1978 performance of theirs (in keeping with our 1970s thematic learning) and proceeded to imagine we were ice skaters and “skated” around the room very gracefully like Torvill and Dean!

I hope you all enjoy the long weekend.  See you on Wednesday!

Mrs Devlin



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