Primary 1A have settled into school so well and are becoming so independent in following our routines. This week we have been learning lots of new things.
In maths we have been learning to count to 20 and used a song to help us. It gets faster and faster! We have also been learning about the numbers 2 and 3. We have learned rhymes and tricks to make sure our numbers are written the correct way. Numberblocks is one of our favourite programmes to watch and we have Numberblock characters to build in our classroom as one of our tasks.
In phonics we have been doing lots of listening tasks to help us learn our listening rules. We have been using the musical instruments to say if the sound is at the beginning, middle or end. We learned the common word ‘I’ and we used this during our first writing lesson. Miss Stebbing was very impressed with our writing.
We have been doing lots of work about feelings using the colour monster and we made up our class charter. We also had our first outdoor learning session in the Woodland and we were learning about the rules for the fire pit.
Here are some of our personal learning highlights.
Caleb – I enjoyed playing with the dragons.
Zion – I liked playing in the outdoor classroom.
Vivien – I liked colouring in.
Aadyah – Playing with the pop its.