St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P2A Week Beginning 17th August 2021


Hello special SJO families!

What a fantastic start to the new school year it has been for me, getting to welcome the new P2s into my class!  I am sure you cannot believe it has been a full year since your babies started P1.  The children have all settled in really well and have resumed friendships and have made new friends!  We welcome a new pupil to our SJO family, Izaan!

Here are the learning highlights of the week from the Blue Table:

Ollie liked when we made crowns so we had one as well as the giant, George, from ‘The Smartest Giant in Town’.

Izaan loved playing ‘Counting Cowboys’ during Maths where we had to shoot the answer to the other cowboy.

Lucas enjoyed ‘Choosing Time’ where he chose to play with the marble run.

Ella also enjoyed ‘Choosing Time’ and used her cutting skills to make a pet lama called Flower!

John too said he liked ‘Choosing Time’ where he played with the dinosaurs.

Rebekah loved when we made smart ties and stuck them to our jumpers to pretend we were the giant, George.  We felt very smart with our smart ties on.  I hope you enjoyed the photograph of them on Seesaw.

My highlight has to have been the discussion we had about Heaven.  The children were learning the ‘Our Father’ prayer and the meaning of the words.  They shared who they knew in Heaven.



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