St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

August 30, 2021
by Mrs Wallace

Dear SJO Parents,

P2B had a great week – they have been very busy making rainbows to decorate our classroom and had lots of fun exploring the woodlands with magnifying glasses.

Daniel’s favourite activity was “playing snakes and ladders in Maths because I winned”.

Nicolas enjoyed the “popcorn game because I use the whiteboards and be the teacher”.

Sean liked “when we done the big missing number square because I like counting up to numbers”.

Moeez shared that he “liked it when we done the popcorn because I like being the teacher and reading the words to Rowan”.

Rowan enjoyed “cutting and sticking the letters because I can really concentrate on it”.

Olek’s favourite was “making rainbows because it was so fun”.

My favourite activity was going to explore the woodlands, it was my first time up there and we found lots of bugs using the magnifying glasses!

Miss Lawrence

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