St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P2B Highlights – Week Beginning 31st May


Here are our best bits from all the learning that took place this week:

Reyansh liked our learning about the 5 Times Tables and then dividing by 5.

Jude loved listening to all the ‘When I was a Baby’ presentations.  It was so lovely to see photos of the class as babies and hearing all about where, when and what time they were born.

Ishani M really enjoyed Sports Day!  Her favourite station was jumping over the hurdles.

Mariam loved making the Bug Hotels as part of our learning about ‘Homes and Habitats’.

Jonah enjoyed using the ipads to record his voice saying the 5 Times Tables.  The children only had 30 seconds to record and many of them made it just in time!

My highlight was making the Bug Hotels.  The children were so enthusiastic and their creativity shone through as they suggested what the different natural materials could be used for.

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