St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P2B Highlights – Week Beginning 24th May 2021


P2B have had a super week!  They had the pleasure of having Mrs McLaughlin who they absolutely love (she tells great jokes) while I was off sick.  Here is what they have said has been the highlights of their week:

Ishani S enjoyed learning about the life of St Mother Teresa.

Layla liked learning about how to take care of a baby.  We are all looking forward to the presentations next week!

Maeve reports that she liked our lessons this week on dictionary skills.  Her and her partner Daniel decided to look up the word ‘car’.  They copied out its definition.  We watched as Mrs Devlin looked up the definition of a new word we had not heard before called ‘reluctant’ and we are going to try and use it in context at home and surprise our families!

Daniel liked our lesson on self-regulation strategies this week as we continue to explore our feelings.  This is a topic we have been revisiting over the school year.  We added to our class self-regulation box which is now full of things that can help us to feel calm and happy.  Some examples are: a teddy, a glitter ball, soft pomp oms, paint, a wand (to help us imagine a magical place), a dinosaur, wooden sticks, lego……… and Matteo and Layla wrote out a list of other reminders to read that include things like speaking to an adult, dancing, praying, deep breaths etc.

Szymon has been enjoying the 5 Times Tables.  We will be learning about dividing by 5 next week.

Freya enjoyed listening to the story ‘My Big Shouting Day’ that Mrs McLaughlin read to the class.

Aiden liked when a bee came to visit the classroom.  Apparently this caused great hysterics and our janitor had to come fetch it out of the lampshade as it was causing too much distraction.

Leah loved using the ipads.  The children were continuing their learning about ‘recounts’ and used their favourite app ‘Chatterpix’ to recount a choice of ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’ or ‘The Boy Who Cried Wolf’.

Mrs McLaughlin’s highlight was when she was so impressed with how much the children could tell her about recounts and the vocabulary associated with them.

My highlight was when I returned to work on Thursday and the warm welcome I received back.  The children were not expecting me in that day and they had a big surprise.  I was met with lots of, “I missed you!”  “I was praying for your sore throat”, lots and lots and lots of news about what I had missed and many air hugs.  Thank you boys and girls, I missed you too!


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