St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P2B Highlights – Week Beginning 10th May 2021


P2B have started to record the highlights of their week again on our school blog.  Here are our best bits!

Amelia like making wands for our ‘Magic e’ learning.  The wands helped the ‘Magic e’ to turn vowels into their letter names.  This week we have been focusing on words with the vowel ‘a’.

Matteo enjoyed writing a letter, recounting how he planted a seed.  We have been learning about recounts this week.  We know that they are divided up into three sections: ‘Orientation’, ‘Sequence of Events’ and ‘Personal Comment’.

Stefi loved watching her sunflower seed grow each day.  The light monitors had the special job of watering the seeds.

Millie said she liked when we were learning about stories that had ‘Good verses Evil’ characters.  We listened to the story the ‘Three Billy Goats Gruff’ and then acted it out.  We had some interesting discussion afterwards about what different choices the Troll could of made instead of wanting to eat the goats if he was hungry and was the Daddy Goat a good character if he used his horns to push the troll into the river?

Zac liked learning more about Mary, the mother of Jesus this week.  May is a month that we think about and pray to Mary more so than any other months.

Emily liked having music with Mrs Morrision and clapping along with the beat.

Mrs Devlin’s highlight has to be when we started our learning about Times Tables.  Our learning about this began with our shoes being thrown into the centre of the room and realising that we could not count a whole pile but would need to organise them.

Thank you to our two Lead Learners Jonah and Markuss.  They set a target of sitting more still on the carpet for everyone to work on.  We had some wrigglers this week but know that good listening means good sitting and good looking.

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