We are happy to be back together in school. We learned the letter ‘r’ this week and we have shown that we can read and spell words with ‘r’. We had great handwriting! We have been doing lots of revision of our sounds to see what we remember. The staff were very impressed with how many we could say. We were reading The Fairytale Hairdresser and Snow White.
We have been thinking about how we can give to others during Lent. We thought of lots of things we can do to be kind to each other. This week we have been trying hard to share toys in the classroom.
In maths we have been learning about ordinal numbers. We had to say what items were 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc. We also practised our adding and take away sums.
It is Fairtrade Fortnight so we have been learning what Fairtrade is and how to find Fairtrade Products. We have to look for the logo. We learned some songs about Fairtrade. We designed our own Fairtrade t-shirts.
Here are some of our personal learning highlights:
Nathan – I liked being back with my whole class.
Eva – I liked seeing my friends back.
Kyle – I liked playing with all my friends.
Joe – I liked making a pet star.
Pola – I liked playing with my whole class.
Ruari – I liked playing with my friends.
It has been lovely to be back in school with all the children again. They have settled back in so well but were very tired today! Have a lovely weekend!
Miss Stebbing