St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

Primary 6a Literacy 18.1.21


Literacy- Spelling Monday 18.1.21

Due today at 23:59Closes 24 January 2021 23:59


Good morning! 
Your first activity today is Spelling.
The mild, spicy and hot spelling word lists have been attached and this weeks words are highlighted.
You can choose your own level and then complete the 2 spelling activity cards
  1. Write each word across and down.
  2. Write each word in CAPITAL LETTERS and small letters.
    3. Then write an interesting sentence for each word. Remember to use punctuation and connectives in your sentences.
    4. Choose one handwriting card. Remember to make the correct joins and focus on the size of your writing.
    5. Well done, now you can attach your work to Teams!
6. Use your spelling words to try the games on
7. Have a go at some of the spelling challenges on Sumdog.
When you have your morning break you could maybe watch Newsround. Here is the link below:
Best wishes,
Mrs Roy

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