St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P2B Week Beginning 7th December


P2B have had a festive week this week.  We had lots of Christmas craft to get our room looking special.  Here are some of the highlights of our week:

Aiden enjoyed creating baubles for his Christmas tree.  He made some lovely patterned baubles!

Daniel loved our learning about Ancient Egyptian numbers.  We thought that the hieroglyphs used for the number 10 looked like a hill and some thought a rainbow.  We made Ancient Egyptian numbers using paint, chalk, wool, pipe cleaners and straws.

Layla liked when we designed then decorated our own Christmas jumper.  We had lots of exciting sparkly things to stick on it and lots of sticky fingers!

Freya enjoyed using her handprint to create a penguin for our window display (image of display shared on Seesaw in ‘Announcements’).

Mrs Devlin’s highlight was watching the super maths that went on when some children made Christmas trees for our window display.  There was lots of measuring, marking and then problem solving to arrange the branches.  They look so beautiful!  Be sure to check out our window display as you walk past!

Thank you to our two Lead Learners this week, Emily and Maeve!  They decided the target we needed to work on was to let others join in with our games.  A super idea girls and one of our Acts of Kindness on our Advent calendar too.



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