St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P2B Week Beginning 30.11.20


P2B have had another jam packed week of learning.  Here are our best bits:

Jonah enjoyed our celebration of St Andrew’s Day this week.  The children took home the art activity they created on Monday which included a 3D kilt (national dress), 3D sheep (animal found in the hills and highlands) , 3D Saltire (Scottish flag) and thistle (national flower).   We listened to traditional Scottish music while we create our pieces.

Amelia liked making boats.  We listened to the Bible story about how St Andrew was a fisherman and  Jesus called him to be “fishers of men”.  We built a boat from tinfoil and our challenge was to make it  strong enough to hold the weight of 10 lego pieces.  Look out for the upcoming photo of your child trying to float their boat on Seesaw.  We then went on to further explore floating and sinking, building upon our learning in P1.  We predicted if certain items would sink or float and then compared our prediction with the actual results.

Markuss loved making our class ‘Acts of Kindness Advent Calendar’ (see photo on Seesaw to see your child’s contribution).  Each day the class will try and carry out theses acts of kindness to make the world a better place during this season of Advent.

Ishani S said that her favourite part of this week was the blessing of the crib by Fr Simon.  On Friday, through Teams, the children attended a special service where Fr Simon unveiled the crib and blessed it.

Mrs Devlin’s highlight was when we explored our ‘ Children’s Right to Play’ this week.  On Tuesday, in the woodlands, the children broke into small groups and came up with a new game to teach another group.  The ideas were quite creative!  Some even brought in elements of maths!  There was a lot of super teamwork going on where listening to others was evident.  I was very proud of how everyone worked together.

Thank you to our two Lead Learners this week, Ishani S and Mariam.  Their target for us this week was for everyone to tidy up quicker during tidy up time.  Thank you Lead Learners for the important work you do and for identifying ways that we can improve.

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