St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

Weekly Update Primary 6a


An excellent week of learning in Primary 6!

Lead learners: Jais and Jagoda were our lead learners this week and have been great role models for their class. Together they have set 3 targets for everyone to work on and have also awarded points to children they have noticed being ready, respectful and safe.

Literacy: This week we have been learning about verb tenses, past present and future and also looking at active and passive verbs.

Maths: We have been working on multiples and factors and improving our times table knowledge. We also continued to work on fractions, decimals and percentages. We are looking forward to learning about improper fractions next week.

R.E: Our focus this week has been on Advent. We have been learning about the lead up to Christmas and created our own Advent wreath showing what each coloured candle represents. We enjoyed watching Father Simon blessing the crib on Teams.

HWB: We took part in an internet safety assembly. Following this, we completed scenario cards to discuss how we could keep ourselves and others safe online. We also watched an assembly from the NSPCC and took part in the activities that reminded us of our rights.

Writing: We have been learning about expository writing. We used the 5 day lockdown break as our main theme and produced excellent reasons to explain why this might be a good idea but also why it might cause problems in the long run.

Art: We created some colourful Space themed pictures using chalk pastels.

Digital learning: We learned how to use Kahoot as a whole class and had lots of fun taking part in educational quizzes. Some of us have even been trying this at home too.

Have a great weekend,

Mrs Roy

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