St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

Primary 5B – WB 30.11.20


Dear readers,

We hope you have had a good week.

This has been a very different week from our normal ones for various reasons but a very interesting and good one as well!

We have had three ICT lessons. In our first one, about glow tools, we have learned how to use Sway and Power Point and also that our work is saved automatically. In our second lesson, we have learned about Internet safety and how to keep us and others safe online. Our third lesson was also about how to prepare presentations on Sway and on how to share the work we do with people we trust, including Mrs Valente.

We had a NSPCC assembly online which told us all about sharing our worries and how we should make sure to tell our trusted adult about things that are not quite right. After our Assembly, we have created our class’ Worry Tray, where we can put our worries whenever we need for Mrs Valente to help however she can.

Because we have been the class with the most points for being Ready, Respectful and Safe during the whole fortnight, we have been the school winners and have had the chance to help Father Simon by setting the school’s Nativity and also with the Blessing of the Crib. It was beautiful and the whole school watched us through Teams! Mrs Valente was so proud!

We have finally finished painting our wooden swords for the Topic display and they have been fitted on the wall. They look amazing! We will try to attach a picture but can’t be sure if it will work.

We also did our Spelling activities with our new spelling words and a wordsearch at the end of the week to make sure we knew them really well!

Our reading comprehension was about chapter 10 of The Secret Garden and most people are getting better and better at answering with full sentences and truly understand what they read!

In Maths we did our Party planners where we had to plan a party for six children with a budget of £30. We had to have enough food, we had to entertain our guests, and we had to spend as much money as we could but without going over the budget, which can be very tricky. 😊

Multiplication practice continues and knowing the timetables is a must for all, so we will try to know them all by heart next week, since today we didn’t have time for our Mini tables contest because of how busy we have been!🤣

Last but not least, congratulations to our Hot Chocolate at home,  Zak, and to our winners of the Weekly note home, Ethan, Amelia and Susanna! They have all been stars and we are all very proud of them! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏🥇🥇🥇🥇🥳🥳🥳🥳

We hope you have a great weekend and week ahead!

Love from Primary 5B and Mrs Valente

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