St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P4B Weekly Update


This week we continued to make progress in our maths learning new multiplication strategies and we have continued practising our times tables. We had two fantastic lead learners and they set a great example to everyone and have been encouraging everyone to try their best others in the class. We earned lots of points because all the adults could see how ready, respectful and safe we were.

This week we had an NSPCC video which reminds us to “Speak out” say how we feel. We also had a great afternoon on Tuesday learning more about tools on Glow and we practised making powerpoints which was a lot of fun.

Highlights of the week ; Drawing our dragons, performing the helious potion, all of the house groups were successful in blowing up their balloons by mixing the two magical ingredients. We learned that writing detailed instructions is important. We wrote our own potions and created magic spells to make them work. This week, because of the weather, we have worked in the class with Mrs Lafferty and we learned more about staying healthy. Because this was the first week of advent we made our class advent calendar. Everyone had to write down three compliments about someone in the class and put it into the advent train. Mrs Miller reads a different one everyday. It is really nice to hear compliments about each other.

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend. 🙂

With the wetter weather could children bring in indoor shoes to wear? These indoor shoes will be kept in the classroom. Thank you.

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