Dear readers,
Apologies for being late, but I have been having some technical issues that will hopefully be sorted now.
We hope you are all very well and that you have had a good week.
Congratulations to our Hot Chocolate at home girl, for always setting an amazing example of good behaviour and hard work to our class:
Well done, Tanya!!!!!!
We also congratulate Zak, Hanna and Liam for having shown how Ready, Respectful, Safe and helpful they are!
This week we have continued learning a lot about the Wars of Independence between Scotland and England and have done beautiful art work for our new class display. We would really like to show it to you but due to the technical issues, we have not been able to upload the pictures! We have also completed our second timelines about it and they are looking really good!
In Literacy, we have used for the first time the tool we had learned about last week, the Descriptive Bubble, to write sentences that describe a very famous and beautiful wave, the Wave of Kanagawa. Also in Literacy, we have learned about Similes and got to write our own sentences with similes, which was quite interesting.
In Maths, we have had a week full of multiplication, times tables and also money, since it is very important to know how to manage it very well!
As we will be continuing our intensive work with multiplication it would be great if you could practise your 2,3,4,5,6,7,8 tables up to times 10. Next week will hopefully finish off with our Big Maths, Beat That and also with our tables challenge and we would really like it if everyone knew theirs well! Practice, practice, practice is the recipe for perfection! And remember the strategies we have learned in class if you don’t know them to start off with: multiplication is repeated addition so we keep on adding and will get to our answer, it’s easy! Just takes practice, and hard work, of course! Also, no excuses! That should be independent work and you only need yourselves to do it! And to be true masters at it!
In P.E., Mrs Lafferty has, as always, been making sure we keep fit… and tired!
Mrs Morrison said that she has been having amazing demonstrations of good rhythm and seemed very proud of our class’ work!
We have also spent the whole week practising our new spelling words and the results have been even better than last week, which is always very good to see! Once again, let’s wait to find out about this week’s score on Monday!
Every day we watch Newsround and after that, to demonstrate how good our listening skill are, we have to answer to questions from Mrs Valente, so that we can get points or Recognition board sticky notes when we get them right. This week we have learned a lot about the meaning of Thanksgiving in the USA and Mrs Valente was explaining a lot of what happened in the old days and why they started celebrating it.
We hope you have had a really nice time reading about some of the things we have done this week and also that you have a happy, peaceful and safe weekend!
Love from Primary 5B and Mrs Valente!