St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P3A 27.11.20


Digital learning

This week we have been learning about BeeBots. They are little robots. We used coding to tell them where to move. (FF, ML) We used a BeeBots app on the Ipad to play a coding game. (EM) We learned it was important to use the X button to cancel instructions before giving new ones. (FG) We used netbooks to play Sumdog. (ED)


We were learning about animals that come out at night. (VK) Nocturnal animals sleep during the day. (LM) Nocturnal animals are awake at night to catch their food. (EM) We did some research about some animals. (IS) We learned more about the Owl who is afraid of the dark and talked about his fears with Mrs Dickie. (BM) We learned that baby hedgehogs are called hoglets. (LM) and that they have 5000 to 7000 spines. (FF)


Writing – We looked at a picture of Charlie Brown and Lucy and wrote about it. (ED)

We made a poster of all the position words we could think of to help our writing. (EM)


We have been learning to partition numbers to help us add or take away. (EM)


This week we met Panuk the Penguin. (OL) He told us about the importance of community.(AS) Community is important as we need people to keep us safe (ML), to help us be healthy (WK) and so we are not lonely (AS).

Hot Choc was won by Farrah this week.

A very busy week in P3A, lots of learning and sharing happening in class.

Well done everyone, have a lovely weekend.


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