St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

Primary 5A Learning Highlights.


Another busy  and successful week in primary 5A!

Literacy  We have been looking at a new technique for improving our descriptive writing and our class really enjoyed it although it was quite challenging! We used something  called the “descriptive bubble” to help us with our writing. So far, we have completed our planning sheets and are going to have an opportunity to write our paragraph describing fire next week. We are all looking forward to it!

Numeracy We have been concentrating on two step word problems involving addition and subtraction. Primary 5 have been learning the specific vocabulary that provides the clue to choosing the correct operation to solve the problem. We have had fun explaining our strategies to each other.

Topic  We  completed our timeline based on the Scottish Wars of Independence. It enabled us get an overview of the whole topic before we look at each area in more depth. Our class has also been designing and creating our own coat of arms. They look amazing and will form part of our class display.

Hot Chocolate Award Congratulations to Liam, who was nominated for the hot chocolate award this week!

Mrs Lea and Primary 5A

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