St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

Weekly update Primary 6a


A great week of learning in primary 6!

Lead learners: Ellie and Is-Haaq have worked together to come up with three targets to remind us to be ready, respectful and safe.

Well done to Ellie for also working extremely hard in class and at home on her homework. Her fantastic efforts meant that Ellie was our Hot chocolate at home winner this week too!

Maths: We have been learning about multiples and factors and improving the speed and accuracy of our times tables. This has been helpful when working on equivalent fractions. We also took part in a mini maths quiz to see how well we had remembered fractions, decimals and percentages over the last few weeks. This week we have been learning about road safety and we learned how to calculate the speed, distance and time by completing some word problems, this really got us thinking!

Road Safety week: This week we have been learning about road safety and how to keep ourselves and others safe.

IDL: We have learned lots of interesting facts about each planet!

Literacy: This week we have continued to work on our spelling patterns at home and in class. We have been learning about the subject and object in sentences and we were able to identify them and successfully include them in our writing. We have been enjoying our new topic Space and received a letter from an alien. We were able to respond to this by learning about the structure of a letter and writing about what it is like to live on Earth.

R.E/Art: We were excited to learn more about the Missio Charity and take part in their Christmas art competition. We are working on our masterpieces and look forward to sending them off in the post soon.

Have a great weekend and stay safe,

Mrs Roy

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