Dearest readers,
We hope you have had a really good week!
Today we start by congratulating our Hot Chocolate at home girl, for setting an amazing example to our class:
Well done, Susanna!!!!!!
We also congratulate Monique, Ethan and Mohid for having shown how they can be Ready, Respectful, Safe and also kind to others!
This week we found out about some of the first episodes on the Wars of Independence and we can confidently say that our boys and girls enjoyed so much this that they could all retell what they had learned so far! Super impressive! Well done to all of us! We have completed the first of three parts of a Timeline describing the most important events of these wars and we are now finishing off our Scottish coats of arms, which already look amazing!
We continue reading The Secret Garden, by Frances Hodgson Burnett, and continue very excited about it!
In Literacy, we have learned about a brilliant tool that we can use to write descriptive texts which is called The Descriptive Bubble and we have managed to give amazing examples about each and every one of the items of the bubble so that next week we will be able to build our first descriptive text using this technique.
Also in Literacy, we have been developing our reading comprehension skills with lots of inferential questions and have also been improving our ability to answer with full answers, and never forgetting the correct punctuation, of course.
In Maths, we have had a week full of word problems, some of them really, really tricky but all very good to wake us up and put our brains thinking! We have also had daily subtraction and addition up to 6 digit exercises to make sure that we become even more clever than what we already are!
In P.E., Mrs Lafferty has, as always, been making us work so much that we come back to class feeling super happy and super exhausted!
We have also spent the whole week practising our new spelling words and have become really good at them. Let’s wait to find out about this week’s score on Monday!
Every day we watch Newsround and after that, to demonstrate how good our listening skill are, we have to answer to questions from Mrs Valente, so that we can get points or Recognition board sticky notes when we get them right. It is all very exciting!
On a Friday, we start our day with Big Maths, Beat that and also with our Weekly Spelling assessment and we try to do our best!
We had a special treat again this week and got to spend a bit of time in the woodlands building our knots and crosses games and playing them! But for that we had to find 4 sticks approximately the same size and also 2 different sets of 5 similar pieces that each one of us could use to play! It was very enjoyable to see the way Primary 5B managed to get lots of different sets of things, all of them collected from Nature! We had leaves, pebbles, little wee sticks, etc…
We hope you have had a really nice time reading about what we have done this week and also that you have a happy and safe weekend!
Love from Primary 5B and Mrs Valente!