St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

Primary 7B Weekly Update


Dear Parents,

Here’s an update for this week’s learning in P7B:

In writing we have been working on instructions.  Since we successfully made Origami frogs in art, we have written instructions on how to make your own jumping frogs using time connectives and imperative verbs.  There were some excellent examples of clearly written instructions and some people included useful diagrams to help. IKEA could learn a thing or two from us!

In maths we continue to use the RLPS (Real Life Problem Solving) App which puts maths problems into everyday situations and scenarios and we have to use different strategies to solve them.  This week we used reasoning and guess, check and improve strategies to solve a school fundraising problem involving tombola, prizes and profit and loss.

West Lothian are holding a Sumdog Competition this week which runs up till 8pm next Thursday (19th). There are 1000 questions to answer and I will give P7 the chance to particpate in class but to complete all questions, they’ll need to do some at home.  I will give prizes for good effort and special prizes to anyone who manages to finish in the Top Ten!

We have completed the SNSA Practise assessment and will complete the Literacy and Mathematics assessments soon.  These are standardised assessment used right across Scotland and they will give us individual strengths and targets to work on before the move to Secondary school.

We helped Mrs McKissack share an important BIG birthday by signing Happy Birthday using British Sign Language.

Happy Birthday to Mrs McKissack, I’ve still got a few years until I catch up to her!

Now we’ll hear an update from this week’s Lead Learners:

On Tuesday in PE we did orienteering with a partner to find different cards with countries on them, we got a clipboard to write down the one we had found.

On Wednesday we did numeracy in textbooks and played maths games. In art this week we made origami water bombs you could fill them up with water it was fun and enjoyable. We had some excellent water bombs and we were really excited to make them.

Thursday we had PE again and this time we have done team building exercises. We had a hoola hoop and had to balance in it on our fingers in groups of 5 – 6 and in the end we got to play a game.

Donnie and Kashvita

Have a great weekend everyone,

Mr McGurn and P7B.

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