St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

Primary 7A – Weekly Update


Dear Parents.

Here is an update on some of  our learning over the past week:

The highlight of the week, as chosen by the children, was our Origami lesson.  We looked at the origins of Origami and also what the word means, then we took to work and tried to create some Origami birds of our own.  It was very tricky, however after a lot of hard work and retracing of steps, many of the children managed to create the finished article.  Others were not quite so successful but thankfully nobody gave up and everyone persevered right until the end.  In fact, some of the children were so keen to improve their skills, they took paper home with them to practise and brought different examples in the next day.  Here is a picture of a completed bird:

Another learning highlight this week, was our outdoor learning.  Last week we worked in groups to create our own games, this week we spent time with another group, teaching them our game and playing theirs.  Lots of fun was had by everyone (including Mrs Craig).


In Maths this week, we worked on finding the perimeter of shapes, including compound shapes.  We also continued with our work on decimals with Mrs Morrison and finished our posters for the Maths wall with Mrs Craig.

For Remembrance day, we wrote poems, made poppy pictures and took part very respectfully in the 2 minute silence.  Here are some examples of our work:


Finally, we helped Mrs McKissack to celebrate a very special birthday today by signing Happy Birthday over teams.  We hope she enjoys her socially distanced celebrations over the weekend.

We wish you all a lovely weekend and we will be back with another update next Friday.

Mrs Craig, Mrs Morrison and Primary 7A


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