St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P2B Week Beginning 9th November


P2B have had a full week!  I cannot believe it is Friday already!  Here are our best bits:

Millie enjoyed playing ‘Hungry Hippos’, a game we played with our partner using Numicon Pieces and a pencil.  Mrs Devlin and some children who were pretending to be teacher, called out subtraction sums and we had to race to find the answer!  It was FUN!

Reyansh liked our phonics lessons this week, in particular our learning about the ‘igh’ sound.  The activity he enjoyed the most for this learnig was when he had to write ‘igh’ words on the eyelashes of an eye (sight) and fill the iris full of colour.  He chose to use brown tissue because he has brown eyes.

Freya loved showing the class the rug she made for our Virtual Classroom.  It was a beautiful heart shape.  Thank you to all who sent furniture.  Look out for it over the coming weeks as we will need to take turns.

Alexa liked it when we collected Autumn leaves in the woodland and then sorted their colours.  We transferred the information into a bar chart.  We found that brown leaves were mostly collected and green leaves were least collected.

Mia and DaisyDee were our Lead Learners this week.  They report enjoying making poppies for Remembrance Day and ‘oi’ phonics learning.  They also identified a target for the class to work on this week which was, ‘To push our chairs in when we are not sitting on them (as some children were forgetting).  Thank you girls for the positive contribution you made to our class this week as our Lead Learners!

Mrs Devlin’s Highlight was the Acrostic Poem we wrote this week called ‘Autumn’.  We used a dictionary to inspire us when we found it tricky to think of words that started with the letters A U T U M N.  There was a roar of laughter when we found the word ‘Nappy’ but through discussion realised this would not be a good choice of word.  Together we complied the poem as a class and had the choice to either copy it down fully, copy it down in part and then come up with our own ideas or else write our own poem completely.  I was so impressed with what the children came up with!  See the photos below for some examples.

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