St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

Primary 3A – this week…


We have had a busy week this week. We have been learning about fireworks. We learned they can be dangerous but are pretty. (FF) Some animals can be scared of fireworks. (WK) Fireworks cn be really loud. (NS) Babies and kids can be scared. (MB) Firework night started because Guy Fawkes tried to blow up the king. (LM) There is fire in the fireworks. (JD)

We made bats out of black card and white pencils. (BD) We drew owls  and watched a film about owls. (EM, AS) We learned that owls have no teeth.  (ED) They eat the whole animal and the feathers and bones and fur go into  a part of their body called gizzards. Then then spit up a pellet to get rid of it. (FG) Owls have big eyes so that they can hunt at night. (BM)

We have been doing lots of work on adding, I was happy. (AS) We did some spelling in our groups. (BD)

Wellbeing Wednesday

We learned how to not be scared from Fle the fearless flamingo. (VK) We learned to breath in and blow the fear away. We talked about how our family can help us to face things. (NS)

Have a great weekend.



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