St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

Primary 7B Weekly Update


Dear Parents,

Another busy week in P7B with lots of learning going on.

In Numeracy we have been multiplying by 2 digit numbers and learning different ways to approach this, why not ask us about the grid method and share with us how you learned to multiply by 2 digits? Tables really helps with this so encourage us to keep working on them and even listen to the times tables songs – link posted in Teams.

In Maths we were learning about capacity and managed to accurately measure specific amount using measuring jugs, beakers and measuring cylinders.

In writing, we wrote bonfire/fireworks themed poems using onomatopoeia and similes and metaphors and beforehand learned all about the Gunpowder plot.

Our Japan topic has now started and we began by finding Japan in an atlas and then identified major cities, neighbouring countries and the seas surrounding Japan.

For art we tried to make origami cranes but some of the folds are really quite tricky.  We won’t be beat though and will try again.

Finally here is our Lead Learners’ take on the week:

This week we learnt how to do sign language for something we can’t tell you about until next Friday! Also in maths we learnt to times ten and units by tens and units also hundreds tens and units. For Topic we attempted to count to 10 in Japanese with some amazing origami. For maths on Friday we were measuring litres and Millimetres. On Thursday we learnt about Bonfire/Fireworks safety. Also we enjoyed finding out the story behind Guy Fawkes and the Houses of Parliament on Wednesday.     

Lead Learners Alex and Brooklyn.

Have a good weekend everyone,

Mr McGurn and P7B

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