St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P2B Week Beginning 2nd November


Hello special SJO Families!  I hope you are all well.  Here are our learning highlights from this week:

Layla loved making her firework in a bottle!  As you know, yesterday was Bonfire Night and because some events may have been cancelled or you may not of been able to attend, we thought we would make our very own!  Thank you for sending in a bottle for this task.  The children had great fun measuring the oil and using a pipette to extract food colouring and emptying it all into their bottle using a funnel.  The firework display only lasted a couple of minutes but we all enjoyed it none the less.

Ishani M liked learning about All Saints Day.  Thank you to all the parents who completed the optional All Saints homework tasks.  We loved looking at them on Seesaw and still have a few to look at on Monday.

Maeve reports that she liked when we peered closely at things in the woodlands.  ‘Peered’ was one of the 5 words we learned about this week during our Word Boost sessions.  Each week I will post a ‘Parent Postcard’ on Seesaw (usually end of week) that will show you the vocabulary we have been focusing on that week in school during Word Boost.  The hope is that your child will start to understand and use this vocabulary orally and perhaps then also use it in their writing.

Markuss enjoyed making a yacht out of yarn during our ‘y’ learning this week.  The children were given one long piece of yarn and they had to use problem solving to work out how to create a yacht.

Mrs Devlin’s Highlight – My highlight was when the children were working together to create Bonfire Night safety posters.  Their teamwork abilities have shown how much they have matured since P1.  I was so proud of them.

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